
I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M If you have abundance, how do you decide how and when to help others, especially friends or family?  Are we not providing for our family?  If so, thats wrong. Or are we enabling them to not be productive and spend beyond their means.

V Ask this question: what are my expectations of that person?  What impact might this have 3–5 years from now. What impact does it have on their work ethic?

M  Sadly I’ve seen a widow help her adult daughter and when she no longer did, the daughter refused to see her again. Money can be a blessing, yet inspire greed and jealousy.  Seek wise council before giving.

Goal?  A godly outcome. .   A good work ethic and financial well being