Becoming a good steward

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M  Scripture says we are a steward overseeing what God has entrusted to us.  That means paying attention to your finances is a God assignment.  Something to do intentionally, with purpose.


V  Important!  Pay attention to your investments. When starting over, did your spouse do the investing?  Make sure you understand what you own and why.  Understand what fees you pay and why.  If you are now on your own, do these investments now fit your risk tolerance and your income need realities?


M  Its common for a widow to make no changes from her husbands including investments.  You are not being disloyal or unloving to change.  Your circumstance has.  God will help you be a good steward.