Moving Forward

Do you remember looking at lists of ‘stressors’ and seeing your problems? Life happens. “Yes.” It is there. It’s OK to be upset or almost unglued, because ours is a common and real problem. That was yesterday. But here we are today, a widow. (I still don’t like the word.) Numb, puzzled, vulnerable, sad, frightened, angry, yet laughing at things most don’t find so funny. What has happened? We have experienced the top of the list item, ‘death of a spouse.’


We inform, encourage, and equip widows. We provide books, DVD¹s, Journals, CD¹s, radio podcasts, church resources and tools, spiritually based and practical. Internationally we provide skill training for widows for economic independence.

Featured Story LaSandra Hutchinson

I met LaSandra two years into her widow journey.  So young!  Four children in all out energy mode!  She had a quiet peace and resolve even in those days of continual change.  Read on and be inspired. In 1997, Kenneth Hutchinson began to sit behind me in our World History class. I had known Kenneth was smart and articulate, but I had yet to find out how hilarious he was. Oh, but after he began to sit behind me in class. There were jokes for days! He was sitting behind me whispering the jokes so only I could hear them. […]

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Our Nation National Wakeup Call

March 21, 2025

My nation, as I knew it, is not recognizable today.  One nation, definitely not under God.  Giving New Testament bibles to everyone in my public-school class?  Not today. I’m reading Micah and am finding our nation today described there. Read Micah’s prophetic words given to his rebellious people. They apply today. Imagine Micah entering our capitol today, dressed in a business suit declaring to our leaders what he told God’s rebellious people back then.  God has a ‘controversy’ with you; which means disagreement, public, and prolonged and heated. His list was long; lying, dishonest measure, stealing, officials and judges asking […]

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Silo Mentality 2

March 20, 2025

It’s easy in our techy age to become personal silos.  We hibernate emotionally behind texting, emails, and social media letting others see only what we wish to share.  Not a good idea!  Silo mentality removes us from the realities of living. We were meant for community, whether families, friendship circles, or common interest groups. Galatians 6: 2 instructs us to carry each other’s burdens, and verse 5 acknowledges that there are some burdens we must carry alone.  In deciding what we can share, consider:  would revealing this hurt another person?  Is confidentiality so ensured that we can trust that other […]

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