Mukhotwene Village, Mozambique

Mukhotwene Village 2011: Graduation
During these three weeks in Africa, she took a bigger chunk of my heart and some soul as well. I’ve just returned from Mukhotwene Village, our first sewing project. The graduation ceremony was pure evidence that when God is in it, He completes it, blessing abundantly our efforts. Five of the women have achieved a level of skill to be certified, recognized tailors in Mozambique. Others made progress, and our prayer is that they will have the opportunity for more training.

School uniforms and skirts
Progressing from making simple bags to school uniforms, which was their goal, they also received training in making African clothing. This will give them an additional way to make money in the off season from making and selling school uniforms.
What do African widows do when they receive an incredible surprise gift? A picture tells the story. We were able to give each of them their own Singer treadle machine and supplies to help them get started.
The government official presenting each of them a certificate brought affirmation to each widow and honor to the village.
Can you imagine the difference Widow Connection has made for these widows? We talked after the ceremony of what they want to do with their new work and income. As you might imagine, their families needs topped every list.
Hudson Taylor, the founder of China Inland Mission, defined three phases of any great task undertaken for God: Impossible, Difficult, and Done. This certainly described this project. In early 2009, I lay sleepless in the village under my hot mosquito net with four inferior machines needing replacement, and more questions and obstacles than answers. My mind said. ‘Impossible,’ but my heart would not give up. Yet the next morning, invigorated, I trained with what we had, and took courage from these incredible women who were tending their corn plot, caring for their children, and tenaciously committed to learning. There were times when training stopped due to machine problems and changing available trainers. Difficult? Indeed.
Is graduation is a milestone of ‘Done?’ I don’t think so. God has more plans. In the coming months you’ll see a new location of our projects: Mathare Valley, Kenya.
For this moment, “THANK YOU!”
You gave, we went, they learned. James 1: 27 in action!
Mukhotwene Village July 2011
Another “FIRST!” I’ll be returning to our first project for our graduation ceremony. Five of the women have achieved a level of skill to be ready to go out on their own. We are giving each of them a Singer treadle machine and some supplies.
They have progressed from making simple bags to school uniforms, which was their goal. Additionally, they’ve received some training in making African clothing. This will give them an additional way to make money in the off season from school uniforms.
Additionally, a government official will be there to present them each a certificate.
Can you imagine the difference Widow Connection has made for these widows? I’ll be reporting to you after my visit. I look forward to connecting with all the women in this first project and exploring where we go from here.
You gave, we went, they learned. James 1: 27 in action!