Kampala, Uganda

Project completed.
Daughter Valerie and I visited “A Child’s Voice,” our partner in Kampala, Uganda to meet the women and celebrate their success. 12 women have invested time learning, practicing, and creating items for themselves or their children.
Margaret’s skill demonstrates a knack for making garments that will sell.
While learning to sew is the goal, these women have become friends who depend on each other for encouragement in the midst of their struggles.
9 year old Prossy holds baby brother so Mom can concentrate on tailoring. With 6 other children, simply attending class to learn is an accomplishment.
“I come to class with my Mom. When I learn to talk, I’ll tell her I’m proud of her!”
Namuyomba refuses to let difficulties in walking keep her away from learning.
Report From Uganda
“Our sewing project has been going very well. Our first group of ladies have been so very excited to learn these new skills and create items that they will be able to sell locally in Uganda. It’s awesome seeing their excitement! The ladies have completed the first phase of classes, learning the basics of the machine and simple straight line stitches! Also practicing with cutting fabric, ironing and all the fun stuff that comes with sewing.
We have some contacts in Uganda that we are reaching out to now to determine the best way to teach these ladies how to start and run their own business.”
I visited this project in August to see their progress and meet each tailor. The bow ties and head ties are beautiful, and hopefully will sell well.
Machines and a partner. A good beginning. A successful completion.