Worry # 3
May 17, 2023
Christians are instructed that when we are anxious ‘in every situation’ take our requests to God. We humans usually cast about examining our own solutions or other humans advice. Philippians 4: 5-7. God first.
He has solutions beyond our imagination. In God’s waiting room, while we do not see solutions, we have the supreme opportunity to grow in faith. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ Why? God cares more for us than any other human being does. And He’s smarter than any other resource.
We may want more of what we have. He may know we need less stuff or funds and need more faith. Less distractions of overseeing our stuff. He rightsizes reality based on our good, and He knows best.
We are encouraged to investigate. The Bereans searched Scripture to verify what they were hearing, being taught. Christ followers, it’s time to ‘look under the hood” then vote.