Women and $ management #5

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M We share wisdom about finances based on Scripture.  Its all God’s entrusted to us.  That’s our motivation!  We know our ‘Why!’  We want to honor God.

V  We are not surprised when folks without a biblical base ‘discover’ that successful empowerment for women on finances is that they do “soul searching.”  Ask yourself what’s your money for? your priorities? and what you need now and later.  Exactly!  Scripture says provide for your family, live within your means, no debt, plan for the future.

Take time contemplating if single, and talking and listening if you’re married, about your priorities.  What do you want/need for now?  for later?

M  Given that its all God’s on loan to us, generosity to his purposes is a given.