Why we worry

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan  and we’re here to talk about money.


M  Scripture tells us that we need not worry  Philippians 4: 6  God knows and cares.  A sad reality in our country is that 25% of our country say they worry about money all the time.  Their two  greatest worries are that they don’t have enough for retirement, and they are unprepared for unexpected medical expenses.


M  Lets go back to Scripture for solutions.  Make our plans and then leave it to God Proverbs 16: 3.  Save and plan for the future Proverbs 21: 5. We don’t know what is ahead.  God does.  Get council from wise advisors Proverbs 15: 22.  Worry takes energy and accomplishes nothing.


M Invest your thought resources for good purposes, not worry