Why is our country in trouble? # 3
September 13, 2022
We’ve been contemplating why our country is in trouble. First fact: We’ve moved from, denied, and ignored the first commandment. God first. his truths, his guidelines, his directives.
I have a friend who denies God, my God of the bible. She states that that god does not work for her. In other words, self on the throne. What God allows her to do as she wants, live as she wants?
Our country is similar. God says ‘do not show partiality’ Luke 20: 21. ‘Keep these instructions without partiality, do nothing out of favoritism.’ I Timothy 5:21. People, politicians, even pastors can ‘circle their wagons’ to gain and keep power.
How do we refute that? Every person has a voice, is heard, can vote. Again, to place God first benefits a nation.