
I’ve asked God ‘Why?’ more times than I can count.  Teenager on the run, uncertain employment?  I got riffed. Ruffled relationship?  Husband with terminal diagnosis?  God hears because He promises to do so.  However, He is not obligated to answer.  Hindsight has shown me many answers to my questions.  He has answered some, not all.  Psalm 77: 18.  Often His footprints are unseen.

I have learned that more important than the ‘Why?’ is “How?”  Lord, given this situation, how shall I live?  How do I keep loving?  Help me make wise decisions though I’m distraught.  Fill my emptiness with You.  Otherwise I’m lost and alone.

Children divorce their parents.  Jobs are temporary.  Single means solitude.  As Habakkuk states 3: 18. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord.