Wealthy men in Scripture

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, Lets talk about money


M Scripture gives contrasting stories of people with wealth.  Abraham, David, and Solomon amassed great wealth and were generous.  Nabal was wealthy and grasp it tightly. It cost him his life.  A rich young ruler wanted God from favor, but clung to his wealth.  Both missed great blessing.  Nabal, his life and the ruler, the amazing privilege of being a close follower of Jesus.


V The wealth and generosity of Abraham, David, and Solomon didn’t give them lives of peace and bliss.  But God noticed their hearts and blessed others as well as them at times.  Nabal’s greed cost him his life.  The rich young ruler missed the blessing of contentment he was searching for.


M  Wealth, used wisely and generously, can be a blessing, way to show God our hearts.