Truth seekers and noble character
March 21, 2018
These are days when truth is difficult to find. Fake news, cooked books, our culture does not mirror God’s principles. Truth is to be treasured, revered, fought for. The concept of ‘whistle blower’ comes to mind. Let’s be clear, some seek the truth for the sake of the Kingdom, to promote right behavior, promote accountability. Others might seek truth in order to harm another’s reputation or gain self notoriety. Fact is, God sees the heart, we don’t.
We are told not to judge. The ultimate truth teller was Jesus himself. He was thrown out, embraced, loved, and ultimately killed.
Beware of blaming and labeling. Matthew 7:3
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?