Today’s value choices.

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.

M  A new month.  A new reality.  How are you doing today?  We’ve been in this lock down and open up for a bit now.  From shock, denial, a bit of fear, anger.  How are you doing?

V We’re learning!  Take a moment,  and make a list of what you now know you do NOT need to survive.  Add what you’ve given up, you’d like it back, but its not necessary for survival.  That may cost money.  Calculate, add.  Is that my priority today, or to add back at all?

M  What an important question.  We’ve asked those value questions before.  Now we’ve been forced to live them.  Its stewardship.  Remember its all God’s on loan.  Now is an important time to take a closer look.