Social Security

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M Social Security seems like easy, future income.  Maybe.  We encourage you to go to their website and estimate what that might be for you.  Realistic estimates are better than wishful guesses.

V Here’s an example of a variation.  If you become widowed in your 50’s, and you and your spouse both fulfilled the 40 quarter required input, what choices to you have?  Taking your husband’s benefit might be higher and maximized when you become 65.  You may start taking yours at 62, a smaller amount, but yours.  Notify SS to change you to your husbands amount at age 65.  Dollars from 62—65 would have been lost.

M Check carefully, speak to a representative.  Income you can use as God directs.