School costs Needs vs wants
August 12, 2019
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, Lets talk about money
M As a counselor in public high schools I saw my students financial ‘needs.’ One was not applying to colleges. She had many options, was a cheerleader, and always dressed the best, clothes, matching purse. Her answer, she did not have the money, the $15.00 application fees.
V Thankfully that’s rare. But the example makes a point. Kidos like stuff. Valuables for life are NOT bling and fancy phones. Parents, be bold! Its financial talk time. Work with your child to determine their budget, especially college monthly allowance. Talk together, listen, and determine emergencies you might cover. Not the need for a comfort cat in their dormitory.
M Look at these, ‘I need it for school’ talks as valuable opportunities. Its more than a money talk, its a values talk.