Safe Places
March 30, 2020
All of us, should be grieved at the misbehavior and sin of those among us. For sure, we confess to our Lord our own sin. Yet Scripture admonishes us to hold each other accountable as well. Paul in I Corinthians 5 called out sin in that church that others were overlooking.
Sadly that has not happened in many churches today. I listen to women who have been sexually exploited and weep. We are community! Where were these women’s sisters in Christ, confidants, small group listeners and supporters? Most women know a safe touch, even hug and the one that crosses the boundary! Avoid the first touch across that boundary. Never be alone with that person.
Sisters, we need to protect each other. Listen, advise, hold sisters accountable to run, not walk away. Jesus is our brother. God is our Father. Strength to run.