Roths 2

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M  Teaching the next generation about money is important.  Teaching them God’s  money truths is MOST important.  It’s our responsibility and delight.


V Roth IRA’s are a good way to build wealth for the younger generation without tax.  That money was taxed before going into a Roth.  There are no required minimum distributions as with traditional IRA’s.  Well funded retirees can leave money untouched if they choose. Picking stocks in the Roth with your adult child, child or grandchild is learning time.  Matthew 25 admonishes us to grow the talents entrusted to us.


M Connecting to 20 somethings can be a stretch.  Their worlds are so different. Picking stocks together and watching growth becomes a new bond, a lesson in God’s truths regarding money.