Responsibility, your friend
January 29, 2019
Responsibility is part of ordinary living. We shoulder it, step up to expectations, necessity as life’s seasons change. When hard times come, and just keep coming, ordinary responsibilities morph into burdens. My young widow friends tell me that while parenting alone is hard, those children give them a reason to get out of bed, make breakfast, parent, supervise, car pool. Responsibility gives them a tether to real, necessary. They tell me of precious moments. For Shannon, it was her first Thanksgiving alone. Pregnant with their third child when her husband died, parenting three toddlers was hard. And then came Thanksgiving. She made it with three preschoolers to the family gathering, and back home again and tucked them into bed.
‘That’s when I knew,’ Shannon says, ’that I’d be OK.’
Responsibility and challenges ahead, but reassured that her God was big enough for each day.