Protection for vulnerable accounts
October 10, 2018
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money
M Christ followers protect the vulnerable among us: elderly, widowed, orphans, disabled. Elders with dementia are especially vulnerable due to social isolation and mental impairment. Who notices? Scammers, strangers, nursing home staff, even, sadly, ill intentioned family members.
V Its a silent epidemic, as people don’t want to admit they’ve been taken advantage of. Name a trusted contact person through whom all asks and transfers must be approved. Forms are available with letters of instruction and limited specific access to your accounts and information through only that person. Staying connected, not being socially isolated is an important first step.
M Recently an elderly lady with dementia was scammed by ”Care givers” who took over $600,000. Don’t allow that for those you love. Protect them.