Preparing for death God’s way

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M In our recent African trip we met with pastors to discuss the plight of the widows in their churches.  They are often thrown off their land and their children taken.  We asked if pastors teach I Timothy 5: 8 that husbands should provide for their families.  This includes documents in place to protect wives if their husband’s die.


V This was a new concept to many of these pastors.  They don’t teach this.  We asked why.  Their answer, “We don’t know when we’ll die.”  Before judging, many in our country don’t have a will.  It’s a simple loving thing to do. Of 10 couples, in 8, the husband will leave this planet first.


M  Making a will or a simple trust is loving and God honoring.