Personal silo mentality
March 30, 2022
It’s easy in our techy age to become personal silos. We hibernate emotionally behind texting, emails, and social media letting others see only what we wish to share. Not a good idea! Silo mentality removes us from the realities of living.
We were meant for community, whether families, friendship circles, or common interest groups. Others can see our warts, sins, and hold us accountable. Galatians 6: 2 instructs us to carry each others burdens, and verse 5 acknowledges that there are some burdens we must carry alone. In deciding what we can share, consider: Would revealing this hurt another person? Is confidentiality so ensured that we can trust that other person with our private battle?
Have I created my silo to make me look good? enabling someone else in ungodly living? Take the risk of real community living.