Personal impact of financial stress

I’m Miriam  Neff-with and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money

M I studied psychology and counseling at a big 10 university.  What impacts personal well-being?  Financial stress impacts health, sleep loss, blood pressure, even depression.  That stress impacts cognitive functioning. Researched known fact. Does a biblical world view impact this?

V Yes. We are created by God. His instructions are for our well-being. Two biblical financial guidelines are earn and then spend less, and don’t incur debt, except in few and limited circumstances.  Following those financial guidelines results in personal well-being.

M So some common sense here.  We parents want our children to be healthy and able to learn.  Model good financial accountability.  Live those two guidelines.  Talk about them.  They’ll learn from what you say and what they see.