Passion renewed

Life happens, some things not so positive.  We feel a push back, a set back.  How do we respond.  Human nature.  Passion down, energy down, confusion even immobilizes wise decision making.


Its a good time to see what’s holding us down.  Ray Johnston in Hope Quotient mentions 5 passion killers.  Two are especially harmful if you’ve lost someone you love, or a relationship has ended badly.  Unhealthy people around you and unkind critics.  In my times of loss, few can really say, ‘I understand.’  Many gave me a time window for grieving, stated or felt.  I felt their judgement if I wasn’t moving forward in their expected way or their pace.


Thank you Lord, for the example of Mary and Martha regarding their brother’s death.  Jesus knew them, their need, comforted and advised them well.