Parenting Success
May 10, 2021
The day after Mother’s Day has many of us thinking. When can we declare success?
Parenting qualifies for the toughest job, the most invisible payback, and the longest commitment in my book. Finished in 18 years? Not a chance. Children ‘rising up and calling you blessed?’ Rare, maybe after we die.
My daughter and family returned from vacation. She faced the realities of back to school, laundry catch up, and routine challenges. Likely neither she or her husband will feel successful.
But they are. And you, dear parent, you probably are too. Here’s the definition of success: The progressive realization of a predetermined goal.
Your goal, to raise children of character and faith. Todays observable, measurable progress: invisible, maybe really nonexistent today.
But you made progress. That, dear parent, is success.