
It’s not unusual when facing new challenges to feel overwhelmed.  Whether a move ahead, income reduction, or simply an impossible packed schedule.

I understand.  Reading Psalm 13: 5 & 6 this morning, I was reminded that God is for me; always, every day.  “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.”

I’m reminded of His goodness to me through past days even months of trials I thought I could not ‘pull through.’  And I did not.  God did.

Through my husband’s 3 year battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease.  Some nights, exhausted, I thought I could not make it through another day of caregiving while grieving.  But morning came.  And God’s provision of energy, strength, patience, and clarity were enough.  Enough for another day.