Saul 3

King Saul’s downfall is a classic study of a humble man with potential and God’s favor, becoming important in his own eyes.  Simply stated, he took his skills and position as his, not God’s on loan to him.

He was instructed to wait for Samuel to offer an offering to God before battle.  Saul was impatient and burnt an offering himself.  Why?  I Samuel 13: 12. “I felt compelled.”  An impulse, a feeling is not a reason for disobedience.  Samuel pronounced truth. King Saul’s position would not endure.  His heart was not God pointed.  God would find a man whose heart was like God’s own.

Hi foolishness increased, deflected responsibility.  “I gave in to my men.” I Samuel 15:24.  He had sinned but still ask Samuel to honor him in front of them.  Looking big before people mattered more than humble obedience to God.