Money and kids 2

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M  Christmas is coming.  Having a plan is the best plan.  By planning, our holidays become less stressful, and the month after credit card bill is not dreaded.  Make your list.  Write down what you wish you could purchase for each person.  Now add it up. Can you afford it?  Does the list fit the budget?

V Children, both young and adult can thrive without stuff.  But they will suffer if your presence in their life is permeated with financial stress, or money arguments with other loved ones. Children are resilient and creative.  They need Christ and they need your love. Gifts are only one small way we can express we care.  Stuff is not the answer, and it often makes things worse.