Memorial Day
May 29, 2023
Many of us will visit cemeteries today. We may fuss with weeds, attach spring wreaths, plant a perennial, tuck a note by a stone, shed tears, and remember. I’ve walked the tiny cemetery where my husband is buried. Many markers indicate a life too short. Some are military markers. Almost three years later, I still say to God, “I just don’t get it!”
I remember Bob’s words to me during his terminal illness. ‘God is not napping.’ His rich, tender baritone voice was soaked with rock solid confidence.
I remember. God neither sleeps nor slumbers. Certainly, the God of the universe did not dose off and a deadly virus sneak in unawares. I don’t know YOUR loss, but I do know this, my friend. God was not napping. He allows, He comforts, He cares, and He’ll be your tomorrow.