Mary’s road to Bethlehem

A simple Roman edict required that Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem when she was full term carrying the Messiah of the world.


The mundane:  a hot, dusty, crowded road. Mary bearing the weight of gazes, people  who knew she became pregnant unwed.  Joseph, carrying the weight of knowing he was to parent the Messiah.


The magnificent:  Prince Jesus emptied into a baby.  One who would never sin, always love, and willingly die for an ungrateful world.   This King of life, waiting for His moment to be born.


Mary’s road to Bethlehem was a paradox–as is  ours.  The mundane, struggling with our  circumstance.  The magnificent–recognizing that the King of Life is with us on our dusty road.  Matthew 28 reassures me, ‘I am with you always, even to the ends of the world.”