Love and truth

Are you dreading some events this Christmas season. Its the people, right?  The year has brought hurts.  Their fault.  Conversations ahead  can be healing or hurtful.  We need wisdom, especially in those conversations where relationships have been battered.  Crisis, death, financial stress–all take their toll on relationships.  And gatherings, whether family, workplace, or even church can be awkward.  Ephesians 4:15 reminds us to speak the truth in love.  Love without truth is enabling.  Truth without love is harsh.  There are things we need not say,  Silence and a nod  may be a wiser,  AND keep the door open for loving  truth.

Are you facing a challenging event?  Spend time in Proverbs–great wisdom in each chapter! Ecclesiastes reminds us there’s a time for speech and silence.  Good words to remember this season.