Loaning Money
June 25, 2021
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money
M Scripture encourages no debt, but sometimes loaning money is necessary. Proverbs 11: 15 gives advice.
V “To guarantee loans for a stranger brings trouble, but there is safety in refusing to do so.” Your surplus is God’s blessing to steward carefully. Investigate the person asking. What is their record with previous loans? Verify their income. And their credit history. Your answer may be, ‘No.’
M Remember their need for money is not your responsibility. Its theirs. Would you give a gift to this stranger? A safe loan is a wise loan. Many small business have begun with personal loans The person borrowing should have a good reputation and history as a good steward with what they have already been entrusted.