
God’s mind is beyond our imagination.  Our technology is tiny compared to His, our creativity plain in comparison.

Consider this.

God clothes lilies.  Their wardrobe includes  stamens, anthers, leaves, petals, and colors subtle and vivid.  Lilies symbolize humility and devotion.  Would that we embraced those character traits.  Lilies have a bulb on the bottom to store nutrients for the next seasons bloom, provision for the future.   Some are two inches tall, others 8 feet.  The dots on lilies petals have a purpose.  They are a map for insects leading them to the nectar, an image from God that we are not just about ourselves.

Lilies in my garden multiply profusely.  God’s story, His salvation can be multiplied through us.  Luke 12: 27.  Lilies depend on God for everything.  Lilies are temporary.  We are eternal.