Learning the hard way

I’m still learning life’s lessons, sometimes the hard way.  I’m also still learning God’s directions, His laws, His guidelines.  I recently pondered Psalm 119: 29 in my morning reading:  “graciously teach me your law.”   Yes, Lord, please!

Lessons of the law can be harshly taught.  Don’t steal or go to prison.  Abuse a relationship.  They suffer, you bare guilt, and fracture that relationship at best.


God WANTS to teach us graciously.  Guide us with His eye, His gentle nudging, His guiding hand.

But we choose.  We can ignore His clear direction in Scripture, His gentle teaching tools.

“I won’t be discovered.  It won’t backfire on me.”  I’ve learned by using all those excuses and learning through hard consequences that choosing to let Him graciously teach me His law is much better.