
With my growing sense of urgency to live the James 1:27 mandate, commitment to encourage widows biblically has lead to me leading an organization.  Surprise, Surprise!  To me, not to God.  J. Oswald Sanders has been mentoring me thorough his writings on Spiritual Leadership.  Listen to his words of wisdom.

A leader without courage is not a leader.

Danger and difficulty don’t equal fear and discouragement.

True wisdom is being wise in time, not afterward.

I quote Martin Luther.  “God can make one so desperately bold.”

With several trips to Africa in my rear view mirror, and countless emails from widows struggling in our own country, I realize I need all of the above:  desperately fearless, desperately bold, and wise in time. We are looking at several new projects, some unlike anything we’ve done.  Pray with me that we’ll be desperately bold.