August 2, 2022
Leaders of any nation, or organization have great influence for good or evil. We do well to examine them, how and why they exert their power. Examine Hezekiah. He started well. At age 25 he trusted the Lord and there was none like him. II Kings 18: 5—8.
He kept God’s commands, held fast to God. Years brought challenges. God kept his promises. Hezekiah became ill facing death. He prayed for healing and God answered.
Enter Hezekiah’s downfall. He displayed his wealth to foreign leaders. Pride. God declared the eminent downfall of his people. Hezekiah’s response. ‘All will be well in my lifetime.’
He abandoned his responsibility to lead not thinking of the next generation.
One measure of a good leader is this: Are they acting for the good of the next generation as well as today?