Intergenerational 5

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M How much should we help the younger generation.  We recommend the book Splitting Heirs by Ron Blue.  He wisely counsels generosity without crippling another work ethic.

V While we can give $15,000 a year to anyone, will that help or hinder them?  Some might become dependent and expect a higher living style depending on that gift, not their effort.  Some will steward it well. Children are different.  No surprise there.  Starting a Roth IRA to benefit their retirement years might be wiser that a cash gift.

M  We are reminded that we are Stewards.  Matthew 25.  Its God’s on loan to us.  Our decisions matter regarding gifts and younger generations.