Income inequality

I’m Miriam  Neff with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.

M The middle-income class is shrinking.  The lower income group has grown from 25% to 29%. The upper income group has grown from14% to 21%.  Does Scripture address this?

V Scripture says pay a worker fairly. I Timothy 5: 18 We are admonished to work, II Thessalonians 3: 12.  That does not mean that all will receive equal pay or that fairness rules.  We are told to help each other.  New Testament Christ followers gave gifts to those suffering in Jerusalem.  The church is the ideal conduit.  We can know each other well, teach, train, and encourage.

M Another scripture applies, don’t judge or you’ll be judged.  Circumstances are unknown.  Contentment is a free gift, regardless of income.