Hallmark family
December 2, 2021
Does your family picture not match the Hallmark ideal? Mine doesn’t I’m single now, not by choice. Not all family members circle my table at Christmas. My dear friend, as you think about the baby Jesus, remember. His family was not so Hallmark. Widowed Mom like me. Siblings who didn’t ‘get it,’ didn’t realize, accept, or like who He was.
And yet, He comforted others, brought value to those who felt devalued and marginalized, united a mix of people who would, with Him, change the world.
If you have a hallmark Christmas, give thanks. It’s God’s grace and mercy.
If not, don’t despair over your family, the empty chairs, or those you miss.
Your abundance can be knowing, He came. Skin on. Study His life, His behavior, His words. You’ll have an abundant Christmas.