Habits of WWMM 3

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M Wise stewards have a plan based on our income, and our values.  Income determines what we can spend, save, invest, and give for Kingdom purposes.  Looking at that, AND our values, every item becomes important.

V  Imagine the impact on credit card spending and credit card debt.  Do we value giving interest money to the credit card company?  Do we value paying money for that car which is no longer worth what we owe?  Do we like what we see?  Would we like more money for education, gaining a new skill or having flexibility to go on a mission trip?

M  This season has been disrupted, work changes, even fear.  It’s a great time to examine our spending plan. Our values are showing.