Greed’s two heads

’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M Greed is an insidious emotion that sits well in our culture and blends in even ‘christian looking’ environments.  This was true of the Pharisees who stole others homes, and today where leaders take from the flock to satisfy their own pleasures.

V Greed prompts the willingness to steal.  Why earn it when you can get it faster by stealing?  A program. American Greed. documents the decline of many into theft, fraud and more due to greed.  In addition to stealing, one gains from another’s efforts rather than our own.

Much more powerful than the pull of greed is the power of contentment.

M  Contentment is acknowledging that God gives us what we need by His measure.