Grace has a face # 2

Grace, a rare commodity today.  Yet, it is available in abundance to anyone.  Grace is His gift to us, through Jesus.  Embracing Jesus for who He is, He passes on God’s grace to his followers.  What effect does grace have?  Acts 20: 32.  Grace builds us up.  Grace gives us an inheritance shared with other Christ followers.  Grace has a face.  Jesus’ face.  He builds us up.  Ours is the face of grace to our neighbors, our families, even our enemies.


It shows when we are distressed, we see our inheritance ahead.  Not this disaster.   Grace gives us strength for the journey.  Stephen being stoned was the face of grace.


Grace in tense meetings, grace in family testings, grace after we’ve messed up.  Grace.  Gods Riches Abundant Constant Eternal