God’s Universal Alarm Clock
March 18, 2025
Accra, Ghana. Thank God for His universal alarm clock. My travel alarm malfunctioned. Annoying, considering my packed schedule, but God’s alarm clock has rung. Outside the elegant hotels in Kauai, Hawaii, in the dusty villages in Liberia, and the bustling city of Accra, God’s wakeup call; the crowing rooster.
God uses the mundane in profound ways. The rooster reminds me, my schedule is precious to Him and I will rise to it–because of Him, not me. The rooster sounded the alarm for Peter during Jesus flogging and trial to remind Peter that he was ‘chicken hearted’ and needed Christ’s strength to become the rock God needed for the building of His church.
You may hear no rooster crow today, but look and listen. God has some reminder of Himself nearby.