
I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M  Your greatest achievement, necessary first for managing your money, is knowing where its going.  Write it down, scan, it, whatever.  Where is every dollar going?  Then examine that.


V Is each item really what you want?  Is the cost worth the value?  Here are a few items to watch:  cable, really watching all that bundled package?  There are alternatives.  Contracts like some for identity theft are hard to get out of.  Is it really necessary?  Gym and fitness memberships.  Again Hard to get out of.  Are you showing up?  What we are saying is look at each item, not just the big item things.


M  Knowing where its going is a vital beginning to bringing your finances into a God honoring, peace giving plan.