Family of Friends
September 25, 2019
Spending time with my 3 sisters has me thinking about family and friends. Four little Southern Indiana farm girls swam in creeks, water moccasins peeking out from under rock ledges. We ate persimmons under the trees on the bluff.
Then life happened. We scattered to colleges in different states, married a broadcaster, a doctor, a preacher, and a business entrepreneur. Differences created chasms. And now ones serious illness has us back together. We discovered we are a family of friends. Our friendship is stronger than our family tie.
Why? Our shared values have transcended financial differences, married, divorced, or widowed status, from one who texts frequently to one who does not even answer her phone.
Our strongest shared value? Friends who have each other’s back. Proverbs 18:24.
We are looking out for each–a friend that sticks closer than a relative.