Creative generosity

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M No matter your financial circumstance, generosity is one mark of a Christ follower.  A common method is an automatic deduction from income to a charitable organization, including church.  Simple and convenient.


V In times of financial uncertainties, automatic deductions may not work.  Some creative options, give a gift card to a grocery store to a needy family.  Give it anonymously. Do a task, use your skill.  Gift an appliance, or provide a vacation location.  Needs have endless variety.  Generosity can be endlessly creative.


M Generosity at all times whether money, skill sharing or helping,  shows God you acknowledge that all you have is His.  That He will provide for you.  That He uses us together.