Christmas specials

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means Christmas advertising is  all around us.  Adds pop up on our computer screens, special displays in stores, emails from every store we have shopped in or ordered from.

V  Its a good time to plan ahead.  Otherwise impulse shopping at the last minute will be expensive. There are easy ways to cut temptation in this area, and more subtle ways.  We know “hanging out” in stores is a recipe for an impulse buy.

We are also literally bombarded from every electronic angle:  TV, Movies, Billboards, emails, pop up ads, you name it. Choose not to be “notified” of sales. Unsubscribe.

M  Besides financial wise decisions, early planning spares last minute stress.