Changing financial realities

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M If your financially reality has become difficult, it’s easy to do a knee jerk reaction, do something impulsive.  Usually that’s a bad idea.

V  We recommend hitting the pause button and taking inventory.  What is the reality of your income, credit card debt, and other ‘spending plan’ realities?  What choices did I make?  What was in my power to control?  These may be hard to face.  Make notes.  We do recommend stopping discretionary spending or reducing it big time.  If we did not already have that 3—6 month reserve set aside, start now!

M  During this pause time, pray for wisdom  and contentment.  Anxiety doesn’t produce good decisions.  God ALWAYS answers our prayers for wisdom.