Calling at Christmas hope # 2
December 4, 2018
December is a hard time to BE, not DO. Scripture more often speaks of what we are called to be than do. Ephesians 1: 18
We are called to HOPE. Why be optimistic about family relationships that are frayed? Because God has forgiven us, we can forgive others. God has changed us. No person is too tough a project for His persistent love and power to heal and grow.
Why be optimistic that we will go through this holiday season not stuck in old emotional ruts of dreading what a family member or friend will say that might hurt. Some folks have no filter. Our option, let it roll off. Wrap our minds in God’s word of our worth to Him.
Hope may not change others, the event, our scars, Our hope is in God. He sent His son to prove that hope in Him is well founded.