Saul 6
March 8, 2021
To be small in your own eyes is a virtue. I Samuel 15: 17. Saul started his reign as King with reticence and humility. He was neither vindictive nor disobedient to God. He changed.
He was to destroy all the Amalekites. He did not. He saved their wealth and their King as his trophies. Big man Saul, lookin good, taking wealth and trophies. Samuel the priest pointed out that to be stubborn and rebellious is as great a sin as any.
Have we become a culture that stack ranks sin? Are some acceptable even in the body of believers? I am challenged to be immersed in Scripture more. What a spot light that throws on my heart!
I seek out friends who are bold enough to confront me, who have my back in love enough to challenge me.