Saul 5
March 5, 2021
Leaders show what they are made of in crisis. I Samuel 17 reports such a crisis. The story of David and Goliath is renown. Goliath is huge, David is small, King Saul is much bigger than David. Goliath has armor unimaginable. Saul’s is pretty impressive too. David has a slingshot and a few rocks, no visible protection. David courageously wants to face off with Goliath. Saul’s response, ‘at least wear my armor for protection.’ David, ‘no thanks,’ I’m not used to them. I’ll go with what God has given me and courage in God, not myself.’
Likely you know the outcome. David the slinger sent a small rock into Goliath’s forehead. He did in fact cut off his head using Goliath’s own sword, no doubt much bigger than Saul’s sword which David had rejected.